Forest Spirit~ Energy Clearing Mist pop
✨New!✨ Forest Spirit~Energy Clearing Mist~ so fresh and rejuvenating! Made with pine for strength, protection and to call forth the ancient wisdom within our bones, and from the earth, and the stars... as this is what we are.✨
It also contains eucalyptus which also carries that ancient ancestral energy... while also bringing a sense of renewal.. while refreshing the spirit and physically supporting the lungs and Heartspace.
Lavender offers a gentle nurturing. She is a soothing balm for an aching spirit and a weary heart. She brings calm. She’s is like the mother of the plant kingdom.
Peppermint brings crystal clear clarity. Awakens those sacred magical places in us that lie dormant... saying Wake up! Wake up! Come alive to who are! Activate all 12 strands of DNA!😉✨💓
Juniper is purifying and clear toxins and negative energy (same thing).
Frankincense creates sacred space. It helps protects those who are old soul empaths and who are feeling it all to heal it all. It offers strength and fortitude during challenging times and also aids in prayer and meditation.
As always, I feel excited and so honoured to bring new potions to life for you! This one had been calling to me (to be made for you!) for awhile!
Sending so much love and many blessings.