Divine Mother~Infinite Love~Ritual Roller
✨NEW✨Divine Mother Ritual Roller~ Divine Mother Ritual Roller/Gentle Perfume~ is a potion to honour the MOTHERS... the Mothers of children, the mothers to be, mothers in waiting with children in the wings, the mothers of angel babies, the mothers who have survived and persevered through miscarriage, the grandmothers who keep on mothering, and for anyone who needs comfort in their own relationship to their mother. For those that have lost their mothers, or for those who long for a nurturing presence in their life.
This potion can be used to honour, to celebrate, to mourn, to remember, to LOVE...the MOTHER... and to call upon the strength of the Divine Mother that dwells within everyone and everything. The Sweet lifegiving essence is always there to lean into.
Made with precious White and red rose, lavender, and chamomile, this is a potion for the compassionate heart. Frankincense calls upon our spiritual strength and higher selves so we can move with grace through the ebbs and flows of motherhood. Geranium honours our sacred connection to Mother Earth herself. Rose Quartz amplifies the Love essence.
Grapefruit, Orange, and bergamot enliven the blend and carry the vibration of joy. They help to energize the body.
Apply in circular motions on the right onto the heart space and womb space. Apply to pulse points to use as a light perfume. I can also see this being used during the 4th trimester, a sacred scent to bond baby and mama. An aroma that will lift the vibration and bring forth the love... and that will imprint on the infant... only love... a welcoming earthside from mama earth herself. Excellent gift for pregnant mamas as it is pregnancy safe!